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Healthwoods Endoscopy Centre




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Dr Ayaz Chowdhury is a gastroenterologist and endoscopist, having been in private practice in Westmead and Auburn for the past 14 years. He joined Auburn Public Hospital as a visiting gastroenterologist in 1999 and works in the same capacity for Healthwoods Endiscopy Centre in Granville, Westmead Private Hospital and City West Specialist Day Hospital. Dr Chowdhury special interests are diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy, luminal gastroenterology and the management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

In 1998, Ayaz completed gastroenterology training at Westmead Hospital. The stint included four years of clinical gastroenterology training and one year of clinical and basic science research.

Ayaz has been actively involved in clinical research. He twice received travel grants from the Westmead Research Foundation and Gastroenterological Society of Australia, to present his research at the major yearly American Gastroenterological Convention in New Orleans in 1998 and Orlando in 1999.

Since 1995, Ayaz has been a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, and since 1996 he has been a Member of the Gastroenterology Society of Australia.

Contact and information



Consulting Rooms;

102/151 Hawkesbury Road, Westmead NSW

02 9806 9591 Phone
02 9806 9592 Fax

Our Gastroenterology Specialists